Neue Wahlumfrage zur Landtagswahl in Bayern – März 16

Von | 18. März 2016

Aktuelle GMS-Wahlumfrage (Im Auftrag von SAT 1 Bayern) zur Landtagswahl in Bayern:

Differenz zur Vorumfrage vom 18.02.16+2%-1%0%0%+1%0%0%-2%

Grafische Darstellung der Sonntagsfrage / Wahlumfrage für die Bayerische Landtagswahl:

Aktuelle Wahlprognose zur Landtagswahl in Bayern vom März 2016

Aktuelle Wahlprognose zur Landtagswahl in Bayern vom März 2016

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5 Gedanken zu „Neue Wahlumfrage zur Landtagswahl in Bayern – März 16

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  2. gruber

    Lasst Euch nicht verarschen von diesem schwachsinnigen Deal.
    – „Migrants not applying for asylum or whose application has been found unfounded or inadmissible in accordance with the said directive will be returned to Turkey“ (Migranten die nicht Asyl beantragen oder solche Anträge, die unbegründet oder unzulässig sind, werden zurückgeschickt, das heisst Migranten, die Asyl beantragen, werden NICHT zurückgeschickt, das werden wohl dann die meisten sein, ausserdem wird die Prüfung lange dauern, da könnte doch der eine oder andere plötzlich nicht mehr auffindbar sein)
    – „On the EU side, resettlement under this mechanism will take place, in the first instance, by honoring the commitments taken by Member States in the conclusions of Representatives of the Governments of Member States meeting within the Council on 22 July 2015, of which 18.000 places for resettlement remain. Any further need for resettlement will be carried out through a similar voluntary arrangement up to a limit of an additional 54.000 persons“
    Die bereits am 22 Juli 2015 vereinbarten 18.000 plus die ebenfalls schon lange vereinbarten, aber NIE umgesetzten, 54.000, macht also 72.000 illegale Einwanderer, diese Zahl wird in etwa EINEM (1) MONAT erreicht sein. Was ist dann. Das ist doch keine Lösung, das ist Schwachsinn, um einerseits die Bevölkerung der EU zu beruhigen und um andererseits die Illegalen abzuschrecken. Ersteres wird eine zeitlang gelingen, bis sie merken, dass in der
    REALITÄT sich fast nichts ändert.
    – Dafür gibt es Visafreiheit und das Weiterführen der Beitrittsverhandlungen.
    Durch die Visafreiheit wird man sich neue Probleme schaffen (Kurden, Pässe an illegale Einwanderer, die dann legal einreisen können, völliger Schwachsinn)
    – Es werden neue Routen entstehen und die illegalen Einwanderer werden versuchen, die Registrierzentren zu umgehen.
    Wenn man seine Aussengrenze nicht schützen WILL, dann wird man untergehen.
    Da braucht man sich von NIEMANDEM ABHÄNGIG machen. Man WILL nicht.

  3. gruber

    Der Originaltext des EUTürkeiDeals:

    1) All new irregular migrants crossing from Turkey into Greek islands as from 20 March 2016 will be returned to Turkey. This will take place in full accordance with EU and international law, thus excluding any kind of collective expulsion. All migrants will be protected in accordance with the relevant international standards and in respect of the principle of non-refoulement. It will be a temporary and extraordinary measure which is necessary to end the human suffering and restore public order.

    Migrants arriving in the Greek islands will be duly registered and any application for asylum will be processed individually by the Greek authorities in accordance with the Asylum Procedures Directive, in cooperation with UNHCR. Migrants not applying for asylum or whose application has been found unfounded or inadmissible in accordance with the said directive will be returned to Turkey.

    Turkey and Greece, assisted by EU institutions and agencies, will take the necessary steps and agree any necessary bilateral arrangements, including the presence of Turkish officials on Greek islands and Greek officials in Turkey as from 20 March 2016, to ensure liaison and thereby facilitate the smooth functioning of these arrangements. The costs of the return operations of irregular migrants will be covered by the EU.

    2) For every Syrian being returned to Turkey from Greek islands, another Syrian will be resettled from Turkey to the EU taking into account the UN Vulnerability Criteria.

    A mechanism will be established, with the assistance of the Commission, EU agencies and other Member States, as well as the LTNHCR, to ensure that this principle will be implemented from the same day the returns start.

    Priority will be given to migrants who have not previously entered or tried to enter the EU irregularly.

    On the EU side, resettlement under this mechanism will take place, in the first instance, by honoring the commitments taken by Member States in the conclusions of Representatives of the Governments of Member States meeting within the Council on 22 July 2015, of which 18.000 places for resettlement remain.

    Any further need for resettlement will be carried out through a similar voluntary arrangement up to a limit of an additional 54.000 persons.

    The Members of the European Council welcome the Commission’s intention to propose an amendment to the relocation decision of 22 September 2015 to allow for any resettlement commitment undertaken in the framework of this arrangement to be offset from non-allocated places under the decision.

    Should these arrangements not meet the objective of ending the irregular migration and the number of returns come close to the numbers provided for above, this mechanism will be reviewed.

    Should the number of returns exceed the numbers provided for above, this mechanism will be discontinued.

    3) Turkey will take any necessary measures to prevent new sea or land routes for illegal migration opening from Turkey to the EU, and will cooperate with neighboring states as well as the EU to this effect.

    4) Once irregular crossings between Turkey and the EU are ending or at least have been substantially and sustainably reduced, a Voluntary Humanitarian Admission Scheme will be activated. EU Member States will contribute on a voluntary basis to this scheme.

    5) The fulfilment of the visa liberalization roadmap will be accelerated vis-à-vis all participating Member States with a view to lifting the visa requirements for Turkish citizens at the latest by the end of June 2016, provided that all benchmarks have been met.

    To this end Turkey will take the necessary steps to fulfill the remaining requirements to allow the Commission to make, following the required assessment of compliance with the benchmarks, an appropriate proposal by the end of April on the basis of which the European Parliament and the Council can make a final decision.

    6) The EU, in close cooperation with Turkey, will further speed up the disbursement of the initially allocated 3 billion euros under the Facility for Refugees in Turkey and ensure funding of further projects for persons under temporary protection identified with swift input from Turkey before the end of March.

    A first list of concrete projects for refugees, notably in the field of health, education, infrastructure, food and other living costs, that can be swiftly financed from the Facility, will be jointly identified within a week. Once these resources are about to be used to the full, and provided the above commitments are met, the EU will mobilize additional funding for the Facility of an additional 3 billion euro up to the end of 2018.

    7) The EU and Turkey welcomed the ongoing work on the upgrading of the Customs Union.

    8) The EU and Turkey reconfirmed their commitment to reenergize the accession process as set out in their joint statement of 29 November 2015. They welcomed the opening of Chapter 17 on 14 December 2015 and decided, as a next step, to open Chapter 33 during the Netherlands presidency. They welcomed that the Commission will put forward a proposal to this effect in April. Preparatory work for the opening of other Chapters will continue at an accelerated pace without prejudice to Member States‘ positions in accordance with the existing rules.

    9) The EU and its Member States will work with Turkey in any joint endeavor to improve humanitarian conditions inside Syria, in particular in certain areas near the Turkish border which would allow for the local population and refugees to live in areas which will be more safe.
    All these elements will be taken forward in parallel and monitored jointly on a monthly basis.
    The EU and Turkey decided to meet again as necessary in accordance with the joint statement of 29 November 2015.“


  4. Binauchda

    Und wann erkennt man, das die CSU nur heißen Dampf produziert? Was wurde aus der Verfassungsklage? Auch bei der Visapolitik mit der Türkei wurde wieder eine `Rote Linie über schritten und nichts passiert! Wenn Seehofer nicht seinen Einfluss als Regierungspartei geltend machen will oder kann sollte er konsequenterweise in die Opposition gehen oder die Klappe halten.

  5. Wint

    Höchste Zeit für eine bundesweite CSU !!!! Die einzige die sich traut Frau Merkel zu kritisieren. Diese Partei kann Deutschland wieder zu einer richtigen Demokratie verhelfen. Weg von den Ja-Sagern und hin zur freien Meinungsäußerung.

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